Creating for your Community
As a community leader, it is important to keep your community members engaged and aware of the current goings-on. As a leader, you have the ability to make announcements, create events, or create tournaments. To do so, simply go to your community page, and click on the button labelled "Create". Doing so will cause a drop-down menu to appear giving clickable fields for each of the above options. ( readersHow to Edit your Community URL
How to Edit your Community URL When signing up for a community, there are two options, Pro Membership and Free Membership. With a Pro Membership, you receive a dedicated sub-domain name (e.g. With a Free Membership, there are still options to customize your community URL (e.g. ( readersHow to Add Social Media to your Community
How to Add Social Media to your Community Adding social media to your community is a great way to connect all of your followers with your social media platforms. Communities has a built in feature to add your social media so it appears in an easy to access place on your community dashboard. ( readersMaking Community Announcements
Making Community Announcements Making announcements for your community is an easy way to spread information to those that care as quickly as possible. Announcements serve as a means to notify your followers of anything that you would wish them to know. It keeps your followers alert as to what changes may be happening, or what events may be occurring in the future by emailing your followers.Few readersCommunity Contributions
Support Challonge Communities through Contributions Empower your followers and fans to support the Community that you have built by accepting monetary Contributions. With the help of your Community members, achieving your goals of tournament hosting and management success is now closer than ever. Enable Contributions To enable Contributions, the Community OwnerFew readersHow to Create a Challonge Community Ranking
How to Create Challonge Community Rankings Rankings (replacing community leaderboards) are a much stronger tool that enable communities to rank the skill level of their community in a game or activity. If your looking for information on how to assign or add tournaments to a community ranking, view this article: readersAdding or Assigning Tournaments to your Community Rating
Method 1: Assigning Tournaments from the Tournament Settings PageFew readersHow to Setup a Community on
Creating a Challonge Community for your organization Hello! If you're looking for the steps to create a Challonge Community, you've come to the right place! Communities allow organizations and hosts to create a centralized communication and tournament/competition system. Think of it as your website within the Challonge ecosystem.Few readersCommunity Roles / Permissions Overview
Challonge Community Roles / Permission Options Withing a Challonge Community, there are 3 sets of permission levels. First, lets jump into what permissions each role has. Further down the article, we'll show you how to bestow each level of permission within a community. Affiliate Role Lets start at the bottom. Affiliates are the lowest tiered community role that can be given. Their permissions include: Creating tournaments within the community Adding a community ranking(s) to theFew readers