Articles on: Setup

Requiring Verified Email Address

Enjoy Challonge's features by verifying your email address.

As a tournament organizer hosting a tournament with open registration and/or a sign-up page, we strongly encourage that you require participants to verify their email address first. This is a prerequisite to ensure that your participants get email notifications about their upcoming matches, the tournament results, and community announcements. A verified email address is also required before allowing participants to upload match attachments and report their own scores on the bracket.

This is only available for tournaments with a Sign-Up Page or open registration.

First, click Settings from the bracket and scroll down to Experimental Features. Enable the Require participants to have verified emails before joining the competition. (Only available for open registration tournaments) option then hit Save Changes.

If a participant hasn't verified their Challonge account yet and visits the bracket, they will receive this message:

By clicking the Send Verification Link button, a message from Challonge will be sent to their registered email address to complete the verification process (check your Inbox or Spam folder).

Congratulations! Your participants are now fully fledged Challonge users and ready to join the competition.

Updated on: 11/12/2020

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