Why is my tournament flagged as toxic?
Preventing unlawful and inappropriate content when using Challonge
Our goal is to provide and sustain a safe, welcoming competitive environment for all. The Toxicity Checker we have implemented works by blocking content that is found to be harmful, or that may have violated our Terms of Service.

In order to prevent this warning message from coming back, we have a couple of guidelines that you can follow:
Avoid using offensive words.
Be careful not to use abusive or derogatory language. You can encourage competitive play without being harmful to others.
Do not advertise undesirable electronic links/messages.
Spam links, soliciting messages, pornographic websites, and viruses are just a few examples of unwanted content that you shouldn't post.
Misleading tournament titles.
As a tournament organizer, it is your responsibility to properly name your tournaments, so as not to confuse them with another entity. Impersonation of another person or organization is strictly prohibited.
Publishing obscene materials.
No offensive images can be displayed in your tournament Description. This also applies to sending Private Messages.
Once you have successfully reviewed and edited your content to be in alignment with the direction above, and if you still believe you received this message as an error, please contact us and send a screenshot of your page on Challonge to helpdesk@challonge.com.
Updated on: 03/11/2022
Thank you!