How to submit game artwork for related tournaments?
Learn how to submit game artwork for related tournaments.
There are two ways to create artwork for your game to be displayed on Challonge. We've provided templates available for download so feel free to try it. Please keep in mind that adding custom game artwork into Challonge is currently only available to the game's creator, developer, or publisher.
Template A
This template uses a horizontal cropping. It is ideal for game art that uses a detailed background or places their logo on the left or right part of the screen, as most elements are retained in the the "safe area" across different screen sizes.

Available Templates:
Adobe Illustrator (.ai)
Adobe Photoshop (.psd)
Jpeg (.jpg)
Template B
While this template uses a vertical cropping, which is recommended for game art that has a centered composition and highlights the logo more than the background elements.

Available Templates:
Adobe Illustrator (.ai)
Adobe Photoshop (.psd)
Jpeg (.jpg)
After creating custom game artwork, you may send it at
Updated on: 20/05/2020
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