How to host a Free For All Tournament on Challonge
Free For All is the perfect format for running Battle Royale and Racing tournaments.
Please take note that the Free For All format can only be used in Single Stage tournament.
Click the "Create A Tournament" button and select "Tournament" from the drop-down menu.

Next step is to check the Settings tab from your tournament. You can provide all the basic information such as Tournament name, Description, Game, Registration and Start Time. Choose Free For All as the Format and input the number of participants per match.
Players can be added in the Participants tab.

Click the "Start The Tournament" button whenever you and your participants are ready.

Report the scores from each match and add their ranking. You may also add or remove a set as needed. Use the Search Bar to locate a specific player. Toggle each button to select the winners and they will proceed to the next round. Click "Submit Scores" once you're done.

Click the "Reopen" button to edit scores and ranking.

The selected winners will automatically proceed to the next round.

Once the final scores are in, click "End The Tournament" and the Final Results will appear.

Updated on: 16/01/2023
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