How To Add Custom Registration Fields
Custom Registration Fields
Custom Registration Fields allows tournament organizers to gather more detailed information about participants (individuals or teams) at the time of registration. It can also be used to present registering participants with any type of necessary waiver, agreement, media release, and/or acknowledgment of rules and reasons for disqualification. We're excited to see all the creative uses for custom fields.
Custom Registration Fields is currently not available for the Leaderboard format.
When creating your tournament (and in "Settings"), enable the sign-up page.

Next, visit the "Custom Fields" tab at the top of the page and click "Add Question"

Write and select the necessary information and Save afterwards.

Title - Main category/question that your participants will answer.
Question Type - You will be given 6 types to choose from.
Position - This will decide the order of questions.
Required to be answered - Click the toggle button if you will require an answer or the user can just leave it blank.
Question Types

Text - Ask a single/short question which an answer can fit in a one-line text box. (e.g. What is your favorite game of?)
Paragraph Text - If your question requires multiple/long answers, this will provide a large text box. (e.g. Comments/Suggestions?)
Checkboxes - Use this type if you have small to medium number of options to choose from. (e.g. Preferred Genre)
Radio Buttons - This is used when a user needs to select a single option out of a list of options. (e.g. Gender)
Dropdown - Allows the user to select a single option out of a large number of items. (e.g. Favorite Size/Archetype)
Waiver - A document that require an agreement/affirmative answer before accomplishing the form. The user can scroll down and review all the details you provided. A checkbox will be provided under the text box. (e.g. Terms and Conditions, Security)
For any of the multiple choice questions, write your answer in the "Title" text box. To add more options click "Add Another Choice", and then click Save.

You can now use special characters to allow more flexibility in creating questions and answering forms.
All created questions will appear in the Custom Fields according to its order. You may edit/delete from the Cogwheel icon and/or add more questions from this page.

This is a sample of an accomplished Custom Field during checkout.

To review their answers, visit the "Responses" tab and click each participant name. You may also download a CSV file containing all the answers from your Custom Questions by clicking the "Exports Participant" then "Download as CSV".

With the improved CSV exporting, participant responses, including those special characters, will all be displayed neatly.
Please note that this is an experimental feature at the moment and is subject to change. If you have additional feedback for us on Custom Fields please submit that feedback here.
Updated on: 22/12/2022
Thank you!