Articles on: Community

Community Roles / Permissions Overview

Challonge Community Roles / Permission Options

Withing a Challonge Community, there are 3 sets of permission levels. First, lets jump into what permissions each role has. Further down the article, we'll show you how to bestow each level of permission within a community.

Affiliate Role

Lets start at the bottom. Affiliates are the lowest tiered community role that can be given. Their permissions include:
Creating tournaments within the community
Adding a community ranking(s) to the tournaments they create (double check)
Utilizing community templates to host said tournaments
Access the settings and features of tournaments that they created within a community

Affiliates CANNOT:
Delete any tournaments within the community (even ones that they've created)
Post community announcements
Create rankings, templates or events
Access any community settings (changing logos, banners, adding games, managing other affiliates etc.)

In short, the affiliate role should be given to community members if their sole purpose is hosting and running tournaments on behalf of the community.


Unlike affiliates, collaborators in a Challonge community have more options available to them.

Collaborators have all the available permissions that affiliates do but also have access to:
Posting community announcements
Creating & editing any and all community templates
Creating events
Ability to access and change the settings of any and all tournaments within the community

Collaborators CANNOT:
Delete any tournaments within the community (even ones they created)
Create or edit any community rankings.
Access any community settings (changing logos, banners, adding games, managing other permission levels etc.)

The collaborator role is best bestowed on community members who do more that just host tournaments but don't quite need the admin level permissions detailed below.

Community Admins

||| The admin role is quite powerful - they have access settings that could negatively impact a community if so desired. This role should only be given out to trusted community members. If at any time there is a falling out or an admin leaves your community, be sure to remove this permission level from their account.

Community Admins have access to nearly all the settings that the community owner does. That goes to say, they also have all included permissions available to collaborators & affiliates.

Permissions include:
Access to payout preferences / community Stripe integrations
Delete any and all tournaments within a community
Access to the community settings tab
Managing other permission levels: inviting or removing admins, collaborators or affiliates to the community
Creating, editing or removing community rankings
Uploading / deleting community logo, banner, description, games
Ability to change the subdomain (for PRO Communities)

Community admins CANNOT:
Remove the owner of the community
Remove admin privileges from the owner
Delete the community

How to Assign the Affiliate Role

Go to your Challonge community page & click Settings
On the left side menu, click Affiliates
To invite a new affiliate, type in their Challonge username OR their email address
If using the account method, you should see their username in the drop down menu
Click Invite

The invited affiliate will receive an email as well as a Challonge notification letting them know they've been invited to the community as an affiliate. They must accept the invite before they are given the permissions.

How to Assign Collaborators & Admins

Go to your Challonge community page & click Settings
On the left side menu, click Collaborators
To invite a new collaborator, type in their Challonge username OR their email address
If using the account method, you should see their username in the drop down menu
If you wish to provide them WITH Admins permissions, click the toggle button. If you just want them to be a collaborator, keep that button unselected.
Click Invite

The invited collaborator / admin will receive an email as well as a Challonge notification letting them know they've been invited to the community. They must accept the invite before they are given the permissions.

Ex: Non-admin Collaborator

Ex: Admin Collaborator

Updated on: 28/02/2025

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