Community Contributions
Support Challonge Communities through Contributions
Empower your followers and fans to support the Community that you have built by accepting monetary Contributions. With the help of your Community members, achieving your goals of tournament hosting and management success is now closer than ever.
Enable Contributions
Please note that this is an experimental, beta feature at the moment for opted-in users and is subject to change.
To enable Contributions, the Community Owner must connect a Stripe account to the Community in Payout Preferences.

Sign up or login to your Stripe account. Just like in hosting paid tournaments, Stripe is used to collect your Community's Contributions.

Once enabled, a Contributions tab would be shown in the Community navigation tabs. A Contribution option would also be added in the + New drop-down button,

Contributing to a Community
Visit a Community with Contributions enabled.

Click on the Contribute button. A modal should show up with the contribution form. Select an amount from the options, or enter a custom amount. Enter a message (optional) in the text field.

Check the "I accept that my contribution is non-refundable as stated in Challonge's Refund Policy." to proceed then click on Contribute to the Community button. You will be redirected to Stripe showing the amount you entered in the Contribution form. Fill in the credit card details then proceed with the payment.

Upon successful payment, you will be redirected back to the Community page with a success alert message.
To check the list of contributions received by the community, click the Contributions tab.

Anonymous Contribution
To contribute anonymously, the "I want to contribute anonymously" checkbox should be checked.

Upon successful payment, the contribution should show up in the Community Contributions list with Anonymous as the Contributor name.

Contributions Fee Structure
The breakdown of Contribution fees is as follows:
Contribution - 5% Challonge Fee - (2.9% + $0.30) Stripe Fees = Total amount that goes to the community
For example, a $5.00 contribution would earn the Community Owner $4.31 and will be deposited into the connected Stripe account.
$5.00 contribution - $0.25 Challonge fee - ($0.145 + $0.30) Stripe Fees = $ 4.31 net return to the community
Updated on: 24/11/2021
Thank you!