How To Upload Match Attachments & Report Scores
As a participant, you can help ensure the reporting of accurate scores by uploading match attachments along with every reported score. Follow these steps to learn how to upload match attachments and report scores in Challonge.
Match Attachments can be anything required to verify the match scores including but not limited to a screenshot at the end of the match, a photo of of the table, scoreboard, or screen, or even a video of the match itself. Tournament Organizers that are Challonge Premier Users enable all participants to upload files that are up to 25 MB in size, which is increased from the 250 KB standard limit provided to all organizers.
First, visit the tournament bracket you are participating in on Challonge. If you have an opponent scheduled, you'll see two different ways to report the scores. The first is the large "Report Your Scores" button, which brings up the same window as second option which is clicking the paper and pencil icon next to your match. You can choose whichever path you prefer.

Now that the "Report Scores" modal window has appeared, start by first selecting the "Attachments" section.

With-in the "Attachments" section, select and upload the image you have to support the score you will soon report. You can also enter a description to help further support the score you entered. Once complete, hit submit.

With this attachment now uploaded, move onto the "Report Scores" section above.

In the "Report Scores" section you'll see where the score of each team can be reported along with options to "Add A Set", "Verify The Winner", and more. In this step enter the score as it relates to the attachment you just uploaded, verify the winner and hit "Submit".

Congratulations! You've now completed the steps to upload match attachments that help to verify reported scores.
Match Attachments can be anything required to verify the match scores including but not limited to a screenshot at the end of the match, a photo of of the table, scoreboard, or screen, or even a video of the match itself. Tournament Organizers that are Challonge Premier Users enable all participants to upload files that are up to 25 MB in size, which is increased from the 250 KB standard limit provided to all organizers.
First, visit the tournament bracket you are participating in on Challonge. If you have an opponent scheduled, you'll see two different ways to report the scores. The first is the large "Report Your Scores" button, which brings up the same window as second option which is clicking the paper and pencil icon next to your match. You can choose whichever path you prefer.

Now that the "Report Scores" modal window has appeared, start by first selecting the "Attachments" section.

With-in the "Attachments" section, select and upload the image you have to support the score you will soon report. You can also enter a description to help further support the score you entered. Once complete, hit submit.

With this attachment now uploaded, move onto the "Report Scores" section above.

In the "Report Scores" section you'll see where the score of each team can be reported along with options to "Add A Set", "Verify The Winner", and more. In this step enter the score as it relates to the attachment you just uploaded, verify the winner and hit "Submit".

Congratulations! You've now completed the steps to upload match attachments that help to verify reported scores.
Updated on: 23/09/2019
Thank you!