Score Reporting For Matches In-Progress
Score Reporting For Matches In-Progress
In any sport, esport, or table top game you may have a need to report scores while the match is in progress. This could be because the matches are lasting a long time, the brackets are being shown on a stream with commentary, or there's a pause in-between sets and this information is quite helpful to organizers, participants, and fans.
Whatever the reason, Challonge allows you to report scores for matches in progress by following these steps:
Click Report Scores
Enter the Scores and/or Sets
Deselect the defaulted winner under the "Verify The Winner" section, because there is no winner yet.
Confirm the score submission
Using this process, all scores (and sets) can be updated and edited as frequently as necessary.
BONUS: Mark matches as "In Progress" to ensure that anyone viewing the bracket knows what specific matches are being played right now.
"In Progress" matches will be highlighted on the bracket in blue.
Updated on: 08/03/2019
Thank you!